So after thinking a little bit, I thought of going to Mindo, which would be much easier and cheaper, because I could take one of the buses to get there. It is a small city, known for its high diversity of birds.
Starting at 7:40 in Quito, arriving at 9:50 in Mindo and beginning to bird at the same moment, I soon found a mixed flock, including some new flycatchers, but which wouldn't show up well enough to be identified. So the first new bird I had was a Scrub Blackbird, soon followed by the cute Yellow-faced Grassquit.
I decided to walk to the Mariposario, where there are some hummingbird-feeders. After walking like 2km I arrived there, to find that there was not a single hummer around! I couldn't believe it, since it was really well frequented the last times I came. But probably the roof they are building on the way to the Mariposario just disturbes them. So I walked on, hoping to find a lake, I remembered from another time I came. But I only found some artificial pond, that obviously wasn't what I searched for. But on the way you had to walk on some wooden bars and by luck I found a Western Basilisk, that allowed, to get great pictures. Also did I see my first Squirrel in Ecuador.
the heat was getting unsupportable, so I went to some restaurant, to drink a Sprite and eat my breakfast. There were some birds out there and soon a great bird came in, that made me some problems to identifie it. Now I'm sure it must be a Guira Tanager.
I headed back to bird another area and was picked up by a pick-up to go to the canopy ropes, where also some hummingbird-feeders and some fruits attract birds. I went there and soon was circled by Golden Tanagers, Orange-bellied Euphonias and some Seedeaters, even before I arrived there. These feeders are somewhat hidden and nobody seems to find them, so I was alone there, for 2 hours. First some hummers flew in, including the white-wiskered Hermit and the White-necked Jacobin. Soon a Rufous Motmot, came to feed on the bananas and so did also some Tanagers. A few Chestnut-capped Finches and some Chat-tyrants got my attention, aswell as a Squirrel Cuckoo. Some more hummingbirds came in, this time also the Purple-bibbed Whitetip, a single Purple-throated Woodstar male and also a Booted Rackettail. Following some sounds I found Three-striped Warblers and a Chat-Tyrant. Going back to the feeders I flushed a White-tipped Dove. Then I waited a little bit more and the Rufous Motmot came in another time and made a bird fly away, I couldn't identifie but it somehow reminded me of a Antpitta. Maybe a Plain-backed Antpitta? My photo doesn't show it very good... Would have been to cool.
Then a Crimson-rumped Toucanet got my attention and after filming it a little bit I tried to get nearer, when a big, round, brown bird tried to escape my view. it almost did, but the time was sufficient, to see form and color and for me there is o doubt I saw one of the hardest birds in Ecuador. At least to see it, seems to me, to be almost impossible. There was a Dark-backed Wood-Quail for almost 2 seconds, just enough to recognize it. What a luck!
I waited a little more but didn't find too much, so I headed back to Mindo-"city"
I don't wanted to loose my bus at 5PM eventhough it was only 3PM.
On the way back I found also 2 Pale-mandibled Aracaris, high in a leafless tree and got very nice views on the Torrent Tyrannulet. What a nice day, in my opinion even topping the wonderful experience at Tandayapa Lodge.
Only the bus drive back, wasn't too funny, as I head to stand the 2 hours, because I didn't get a seat, I was too late...
Interesting birds:
Dark-backed Wood-quail, White-tailed kite, Swallow-tailed Kite, White-tipped Dove, Squirrel Cuckoo, 11 hummerspecies (White-necked Jacobin, White-whiskered Hermit, Brown Violetear, Booted Rackettail, Purple-bibbed Whitetip, Fawn-breasted and Green-crowned Brilliant, Purple-throated Woodstar, Green-crowned Woodnymph, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, Andean Emerald), Rufous Motmot, Red-headed Barbet, Crimson-rumped Toucanet, Pale-mandibled Aracari, Torrent Tyrannulet, Masked Tityra, Swainson's Thrush, Blue-necked Tanager, Guira Tanager, Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch, Three-striped Warbler, Scrub Blackbird
What a list!!!
Other animals:
Red-tailed Squirrel, Western Basilisk
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