So I made my decision for the Yellow House Trails, the Spectacled Bear was calling. I arrived there, searched for the Yellow House and found it after a while, without noticing I had passed its gates various times, but noticing different flocks. Before I even got onto the Yellow House Trails I had added four lifers: Pacific Antwren, Giant Cowbird, Tropical Gnatcatcher and Black-striped Sparrow.
At the Yellow House I “checked in” and then started to walk to the trails. A few mixed flocks on my way didn’t contain too much new, or at least I couldn’t identify it, because all the birds were hiding in the treetops. In a bamboo stand I found the very beautiful Bay Wren, the other beauty Bay-headed Tanager. A Crimson-rumped Toucanet and a few Ornate Flycatchers I arrived at the trails where I was greeted by a pair of Grey-breasted Wood-wrens, which soon showed to be very common here. I made my way to the view point, where I hoped to see raptors and canopy birds. But the only thing I found was a lonely Black Vulture… A mixed flock passed by some 10m from the view point, so I went to find many common Woodcreepers, but not much more… Following my way I found a Golden-headed Quetzal, but they would fly off to catch some insect when I tried to point with my camera at them… I heard various Wattled Guans around me, without seeing them, but that didn’t matter…
Back at the Main Trail a canopy flock held Scaled Fruiteater for me and another bird that looked like an Olivaceous Woodcreeper, which according to my book is a very rare species… Then it started to rain and also to get late… I ended the day with a few Red-billed Parrots and went back. The rain got heavy and I had forgotten my umbrella so I used the big leaf of a banana-plant to cover me…
Back in Mindo I ate a whole Pizza (first time I ate a whole one…) and later went back to go to sleep.
The next day I woke up early to watch birds that would come to eat some moths that were flying around a light. Before the sun came out already a few Tropical Kingbirds were catching moths and also a Rufous Motmot came in. Soon after the sun came out I made my way up to the trails, where I found another lifer for me, when Chestnut-backed Antbird showed itself, while I was hearing many more around me. Near the view point there was a Masked Trogon. Then some weird calls from behind me and also from in front of me… I thought of a very loud frog but it soon turned out, that two groups of Chestnut-mandibled Toucans were flying around in the canopy… I got very good views and also the pictures were satisfying.
I made my way back to the Yellow House to eat a very good breakfast, but before flushed a big Crested Guan, which landed in a close tree and let me get good pictures, that even showed its crest and the red wattle.
From the table where I was eating I saw various hummingbirds, the western race of Russet-backed Oropendola and a group of Blue-fronted Parrotlets. On my walk back to the trails I tried to count the butterfly-species and there were much more than 20 of them in almost all colors you could imagine, even two different species with transparent wings. When I made my way to a creek I found a big footprint which I would have said belonged to a dog, but there are no dogs there, so it was probably the bear’s footprint. While I looked at the print some weird noises made me go back some 10m where I found 3 coatis feeding in a tree. I got really close, without disturbing them much. After a while they left and I walked on and found a very big dark bird flying up into a tree, probably one of the Wattled Guans I had been hearing but I couldn’t find it anymore. But a Rufous Motmot and a male Cock-of-the-rock made up for it, being a nice compensation…
I walked back because my bus was going to leave in 2 hours and I didn’t want to hurry. In the moment I was leaving the trails a big black bird sitting in a tree at eyelevel made me make a step back and I finally had my first good views of a Wattled Guan, even though I couldn’t see any wattle…
After I had taken many pictures I walked on, thinking, that that had been a nice final when I actually found a Chocó Toucan, which meant that I had seen all 4 possible toucan species this day. And back at the Yellow House I even added another lifer, a Gray-and-gold Tanager which was at its upper limit here…
At the bus-station I noticed I had seen the departure time for the Quito-Mindo bus, and not the Mindo-Quito bus, which had left 1 hour before, but that was no problem, as there are enough busses that pass along the “Y de Mindo” and took me back to Quito…
Well, that was a very nice trip, probably even my favorite, with the Spectacled Bear being the only target animal I had missed, but many others I had not expected and 16 lifers plus super-good views of many target birds, like Golden-headed Quetzal, all four toucans, Wattled and Crested Guan and the most beautiful Tanagers of the area… But the biggest surprise were the coatis! By the way I will get a new camera in a few days, with 20x Zoom so hope for even better pictures. And I also got “The birds of Ecuador” now, but it’s in Germany and can’t be brought because of its weight
And tomorrow I will visit the Ecuadorian beach for the first time, finally!!! Oh, yes and I have seen 400 birds in Ecuador now...
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